Celebrating Citizens Xelerator Days – Lisbon

In an organization APCEP – Associação Portuguesa para a Cultura e Educação Permanente and Letras Prá Vida, associated with the National Initiative: Education and Training of Adults _ September_ Literacy and Literacy Month, SMAL 2024, promoted by APEFA Aprendências.

Took place on September 28 — “Living in Freedom | Freedom to Live “, at the Space Ulmeiro Bookstore Espaço Ulmeiro, a heritage site in the city of Lisbon, Junta de Freguesia de Benfica.

Various activities:
1 – Commented visit to the “Passeio Ulmeiro”, an artistic installation celebrating 27 artists of political intervention who contributed to the cultural framework of the Parish of Benfica and Portugal.
2 – José Ribeiro, founder of Ulmeiro and Lucília Salgado, leader of APCEP, told us unforgettable stories of Ulmeiro – one of the iconic bookstores of the Resistance during the Dictatorial Regime.
3 – Joaninha Duarte, Fernanda Dias and Angélica Queirós, storytellers, presented a commemorative “performance” of the 50th anniversary of the “25th of April”!

Here are the photos illustrating this festive day!