The 25th of April and the concept of Freedom!
On May 3rd, working together with the local partner Centro Qualifica Agrupamento de Escolas de Arganil we developed a Think Tank, brainstorming session with the title “The 25th of April and the concept of Freedom”!
With a total of 15 participants, including the elderly from the Social and Parish Center of Côja and the facilitators of this session, we reflected on the guiding questions:
– What is April 25th?
– What happened that day?
– Where were you that day? What were they doing?
– What did you see or hear that day? How did they know what was happening?
– What is freedom?
– Was freedom in the past the same as it exists today?
– What could or could they not do in the past and what do they do today?

The recording of the stories of that transformative day by “those who lived it!” combined with graphic representations, was carried out on paper and then digitally.
“Create your action!” as future development is being planned in the format of an Exhibition of the work carried out, both in this Social Center and in others already carried out and in the remaining ones planned.
And because these meetings, with and between adults, are a very rich source of inspiration, exchange of experiences, and action, we moved forward promptly, with partners Letras Prá Vida _ ESEC – Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra:
-in an activity to publicize the next European elections, on June 9, with testimonies from participants,
– and the first steps were taken to implement “Small Libraries”, organized with donated books. One of the many activities of the Letras Prá Vida project, a strategy for the right to literacy of people in the contexts where they carry out their literacy workshops.