National implementation in Portugal by APCEP

We are pleased to share the outcomes of the Citizens Xelerator Pilot Action and Citizens Xelerator Igniting Events in Portugal, successfully organized by APCEP.
This initiative had a significant impact on local communities by empowering citizens, fostering social cohesion, and promoting active civic participation.
Capacity Building for Adult Education Professionals
The Capacity Building of Adult Education Professionals took place over 5 sessions, lasting a total of 16 hours, and involved 24 participants. The training focused on providing adult educators with the tools and strategies needed to support lifelong learning in their communities. Feedback from participants was incredibly positive:
💬 “I really enjoyed the training because it was a good learning moment, with the sharing of tools that will be very useful when organizing activities. Many thanks to the whole team!!!”
💬 “Participants noted the innovative training model and the importance of building a community of practice. There was a strong emphasis on providing practical tools to improve work in adult education.”
These sessions created a strong foundation for educators to continue their work, empowering them with new skills and practical knowledge to support their students.
Citizens Xelerator Action Labs
The Citizens Xelerator Action Labs played a key role in fostering creativity and collaboration among community members. The Action Labs included:
- 4 “Think Tank Brainstorming” sessions with 49 participants, resulting in 4 actionable ideas. Feedback from participants emphasized the value of sharing experiences and working together:
💬 “I remembered many events that I had already forgotten that I lived.”
💬 “I was pleased to be sharing ideas with colleagues.”
💬 “We discussed and posed questions that are hardly addressed within the restricted space of each work area.”
💬 “I felt good, we talked about important issues and learned new things.”
- 6 “Create Your Action” workshops engaged 95 participants in a series of enriching, hands-on experiences aimed at fostering personal growth, professional development, and community engagement. These activities included:
- Workshop dances “Flamenco”.
- Guided tour: MAAT “Our Boat, Drum, Land.
- Workshop “Grandma came to work”
- Recovery of labour rights.
- Professional appreciation.
Participants expressed their feelings like this:
💬 “Flamenco has many things similar to our (gypsy) dances, I liked to dance with them.”
💬 “I really liked a ‘grandmother’ who was teaching. It was therapy for me!”
💬 “I thought it was just to learn, after all, is it really to do? Seriously?”
💬 “I really enjoyed seeing how they work, people with a lot of energy, doing beautiful jobs!”
- Two Citizens Xelerator Days were celebrated, involving 52 participants:
- Literacy and Literacy Month
- 50th Anniversary of the Carnation Revolution – Implementation of Democracy in Portugal
These days served as a powerful platform for reflection, discussion, and shared learning. Testimonials from participants highlighted the emotional and meaningful experiences:
💬 “It was a pleasure to participate in this day! It was full of beautiful people!”
💬 “A day when we celebrate living in freedom, freedom to live!”
💬 “A day to keep in the memory of the heart!”
💬 “Noble and emotional moments! Moments of many encounters with others, of sharing memories, events, songs, images, words…”
💬 “When I read, I can be somewhere else, being in the same place, I can be more empathetic when reading other people’s stories, other realities, other experiences.”
- 14 Microlearning sessions were delivered to 183 participants, covering a wide range of essential topics. The sessions included:
- Financial Literacy
- Entrepreneurship
- Digital Literacy
- Sustainability Literacy
- Social Empathy
- Diversity and Inclusion Awareness
- Democratic and Civic Participation
- Health Literacy
- Intercultural Competence
Participants praised the dynamic and engaging nature of the sessions:
💬 “The whole dynamic was very pleasant, I really liked the film, and the sharing of each participant and the mutual help.”
💬 “This project, in addition to the embroidery, was a spectacle! For the learning and participation of the group. It gave voice to the group!”
- The LifeComp Cards were utilized in 3 sessions, engaging 65 participants in an interactive, reflective process. These cards were essential in helping participants develop key life competencies and facilitated important conversations about personal growth, resilience, and community-building. One participant shared:
💬 “I liked the dynamics, the games, the sharing, the empathy.”
💬 “I learned a lot, it allowed me to exchange experiences, discuss in groups and presentations. If this is always the case, I will make it!”
These cards proved to be a valuable tool for fostering self-reflection, empathy, and social connection.
The Citizens Xelerator pilot action in Portugal has been a remarkable success, providing opportunities for citizens to learn, collaborate, and create meaningful change in their communities. The project has empowered individuals from all walks of life to come together and contribute to building a fairer, more inclusive society.
This initiative has shown us the power of community-driven action and the importance of providing platforms for civic engagement, social participation, and personal growth. Citizens Xelerator is not just a project; it’s a movement for empowerment, and we look forward to continuing this journey toward a more sustainable and inclusive future!
Citizens Xelerator Igniting Events
Our recent events have successfully advanced the goals of adult education and civic engagement. These gatherings served as dynamic platforms to disseminate information about the project and its objectives, foster collaboration and inspire civic and democratic engagement and establish valuable partnerships and expand our network.
Igniting events Agenda:
- The online event featured sessions on project contextualization, action lab exercises, experimentation with resources, and invitations for partnerships.
- In-person events included presentations on the project, demonstrations of the CX Model and Kit, interactive activities to develop personal and social skills, participatory discussions on citizenship-related topics, and satisfaction surveys
- the total number of participants across all events exceeded a hundred,
- participants represented a wide range of sectors including adult education, public institutions, higher education, political decision-makers, associations/NGOs, community groups, students, managers of private companies, and other interested individuals.
Through these efforts, we have created opportunities to exchange best practices, engage stakeholders, and strengthen training and networking opportunities.