

  • Upscale and test the potential of the European tool LifeComp: The European framework for the personal, social and learning to learn key- competence as a resource to promote the literacy and key-competences of adults with unmet literacy needs.
  • Develop, test and mainstream a model and resources for the assessment and development of personal, social and learning competences of adults with unmet literacy needs.
  • Create, provide and apply microlearning sessions fostering the financial, entrepreneurial, digital and sustainable literacy of adult learners, through the upscaling of complementary European tools and projects
  • Launch a model and kit pilot action for democratic and civic participation, fostering its multiplication and mainstreaming at regional, national, and European level

Target groups

Who will benefit from our activities:

  • Adult education professionals
  • Adult education providers
  • Adults with unmet literacy needs
  • Civil society organizations

View list of target groups by country. Click here.




  • LifeComp cards collection
  • Citizens Xelerator Model
  • Citizens Xelerator kit


  • 8 Citizens Xelerator Action Labs
  • 16 sessions Citizens Xelerator think tank
  • 40 actions prepared and launched
  • 16 Citizens Xelerator Days
  • 88 micro-learning sessions


  • 3 events (2 national and 1 international)
  • 1 exploitation plan
  • 1 sustainability strategy

Check what was done in each country of the consortium.

Citizens Xelerator project aims at strengthening the democratic and civic literacy and social empathy of adult learners and contributing to a systemic change on the regional/national/European approach and strategies fostering adults’ participation in democratic life, embracing the common values and civic engagement.

Business accelerator focused on promoting sustainable growth and business opportunities of start-ups & enterprises and a certified training provider specialized in the design, implementation and monitoring of training and learning opportunities addressed to organizations and professionals, acting in the fields of education & training, entrepreneurship & business support.

Carrying out adult education programmes for more than 30 years. Dante attracts numerous generations of adult learners by offering quality educational programmes and courses that respond to the needs of modern society and contribute to the development of adult education at the local, regional, and European level.

CESIE is a European centre of studies and initiatives established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of sociologist Danilo Dolci (1924-1997). CESIE’s mission is to promote educational innovation, participation and growth by aiming at social change.

Non-profit association in Upper Palatinate; it acts on a regional level. It is one of the 900 adult education institutions in Germany whose main mission is to ensure equal participation of all citizens in the life of society by providing adult education.

ACEFIR is a social initiative organization that brings together a team of professionals from various disciplines with the common interest of working for education, training and research in the field of young people, adults and the elderly.

ActionAid is an independent international civil society organisation, combatting poverty and injustice in Greece and around the world. It has been training people and supporting their communities since 1972, so that they can claim a life of dignity and a fairer world for all.

APCEP was created 40 years ago with the objective of providing Permanent Education through multiple and coherent objectives, among which the promotion of civic education and the exercise of democracy, preparing for the performance of new social roles arising from the accelerated evolution of society.

ASOCIATIA EURO ADULT EDUCATION is a Romanian NGO, with the main objective of promoting and supporting , in accordance with European standards, the continuous learning of adults, as a way of improving their knowledge and competences.

AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation of Ireland, is a membership organisation representing learners, practitioners, providers, and other key stakeholders in adult education for more than 50 years. AONTAS is committed to advocating for the right of all adults in Ireland to access equal and equitable adult learning opportunities throughout their lives, and promoting the value and benefits of lifelong learning.